Elwyn Sharps

About the author

Elwyn Sharps

Elwyn Sharps completed his PhD at Bangor University in 2015 in collaboration with the NERC Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and the RSPB Centre for Conservation Science. His PhD thesis was entitled “The effects of saltmarsh conservation grazing on breeding Common Redshank Tringa totanus”. Since finishing his PhD he has gone on to work for the RSPB, initially for the Conservation Science department investigating the conservation ecology of large gulls and now for RSPB Cymru, where his work focuses on providing conservation evidence for priority species in Wales. To date, he has published four papers on breeding Redshank and will be speaking at this year’s International Wader Study Group conference.

View Elwyn’s full profile

Read Elwyn’s other BOU Blogs:
Of Ruminants and Redshanks
Of writing and Redshanks – the benefits of blogging with the BOU

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