ECRs attending a BOU conference
Reduced rate to attend the BOU in-person annual spring conference
BOU student and early-career subscribers can register for all three days of our annual conference at a greatly reduced rate (currently £125 compared to £375 normal member price). This special rate covers your accommodation and all your meals at the conference. This also buys you ultra-cheap access to some of the top ornithologists your student money will ever buy! Lots of spare time to socialise with them and all the other delegates at the conference, plus our annual student event (previous events have included journal editors Q&As and careers) and our now annual ECR workshop. And there’s a bar! So, what are you waiting for!?
. . . or come for free!
BOU student and early-career members from developing countries can come for free! You just need to get to the venue and then you stay for free – free conference, free accommodation and free meals! (limited availability).
For our annual spring conference we will also award the best student oral or poster presentation.
You must be a BOU student and early-career subscriber to apply for subsidised conference places and proof of student status will be required. Book via the individual conference pages.
Autumn one-day in-person meetings – reduced rates for students
We offer BOU student and early-career members a discount on the full day rate for these one-day in-person meetings. Book via the individual conference pages.
You must be a BOU student and early-career members to apply for subsidised conference places and proof of student status will be required. Book via the individual conference pages – see links on left.
Our virtual conferences on Zoom
We offer the same discounted registration for all members wishing to attend our virtual meetings.
Presenting your work at a BOU conference
We offer early-career researchers (students and those five-years post their last degree) lots of opportunities to present their work at a BOU conference. More details…