BOU Register of Avian Thesis Abstracts (BRANTA)

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Much of the valuable ornithological work done in Britain, and around the world, is done by students, particularly those submitting work for Doctoral or Masters theses. All too often the results of this research lies languishing on the shelves of a university library, unavailable to the world at large. The aim of BRANTA is bring this body of work to a wider audience.

Anyone who is about to undertake, is working on, or has submitted either a Doctoral or a Masters thesis on an ornithological topic anywhere in the world is invited to submit an abstract for inclusion in BRANTA. For inclusion, the thesis must address a topic in ornithology (in its broadest sense) and the author must provide a current email address so that they may be contacted. By including a current email address, it is hoped that network opportunities which are often lost when a student completes their thesis and moves to another insitution, will be stimulated. Another important part of BRANTA is the inclusion of published papers arising from thesis work, both to advertise the work of the student and to allow people to easily see at least some of the results. Contributors are encouraged to keep in touch with up to date details of their email address and publications, so that BRANTA may be of the most possible use.

Submit your thesis

Contact the BOU Office to submit your thesis.


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Image credit
Barnacle Geese © Per Harald Olsen/NTNU | CC0