10 Oct 2012
Predators and fisheries: an ecological evaluation of conflict

BRANTA — Susie Brown

Predators and fisheries: an ecological evaluation of conflict

Institution: Queen's University, Belfast, UK
Supervisors: R McDonald and S Bearhop
Details: PhD 2008 (Expected)

Address:School of Biology and Food Science,Queen's University Belfast, 79 Lisburn Road, Belfast, BT9 7BL, Northern Ireland Email

Subject Keywords: Dietary analysis, stable isotope analysis
Species Keywords: Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo



Fish stocks are an important resource both economically and in terms of biodiversity. It is often the perception of those that depend on the fishing industry, that piscivorous mammals and birds have a negative impact on fish stocks. This can lead to conflict between statutory obligations to protect biodiversity and the encouragement of economic development.
European cormorant populations have increased dramatically in recent years and Northern Ireland is no exception to this. The inland waters of Northern Ireland contain a variety of species of conservation and commercial value including: the Pollan of Lough Neagh and Lough Erne; the Atlantic Salmon; and the Brown Trout. There is increasing concern about the impact of the Cormorant on these inland fisheries as well as on the leisure fishing industry.
This project aims to examine the ecological and economic impact of the Cormorant. The trophic ecology of the Cormorant will be investigated using a variety of techniques, including stable isotope analysis. Other aspects of their ecology including fidelity to roost and feeding sites will be examined.

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