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IBIS continuously publishes research articles online as:
- Accepted articles (peer-reviewed awaiting final edit and layout, DOI assigned);
- Early view articles (first sight of fully edited publication); and
- Within issue articles (article assigned to an issue with page numbers).
Accepted articles
Genetic isolation in an endemic African habitat specialist
Natalie dos Remedios, Clemens Küpper, Tamás Székely, Neil Baker, Wilferd Versfeld and Patricia L. M. Lee
A rare mineral, vaterite, acts as a shock absorber in the eggshell of a communally nesting bird
Steven J. Portugal, James Bowen and Christina Riehl
Visual configuration of two species of Falconidae with different foraging ecologies
Simon Potier, Francesco Bonadonna, Graham R. Martin, Pierre-François Isard, Thomas Dulaurent, Marielle Mentek and Olivier Duriez
Tracking day and night provides insights into the relative importance of different wader chick predators
Lucy R. Mason, Jennifer Smart and Allan L. Drewitt
Apparent survival of an Arctic-breeding migratory bird over 44 years of fluctuating population size
Kevin A. Wood, Rascha J.M. Nuijten, Julia L. Newth, Trinus Haitjema, Didier Vangeluwe, Panagiotis Ioannidis, Anne L. Harrison, Conor Mackenzie, Geoff M. Hilton, Bart A. Nolet and Eileen C. Rees
The effects of hatching asynchrony on growth and mortality patterns in Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops nestlings
Barbara Hildebrandt and Michael Schaub
Early view articles
Flood avoidance behaviour in Brown Dippers Cinclus pallasii
Shiao-Yu Hong, Stuart P. Sharp, Ming-Chih Chiu, Mei-Hwa Kuo and Yuan-Hsun Sun
The song of Skylarks Alauda arvensisindicates the deterioration of an acoustic environment resulting from wind farm start-up
Paweł Szymański, Krzysztof Deoniziak, Katarzyna Łosak and Tomasz S. Osiejuk
Food availability and breeding season as predictors of geophagy in Amazonian parrots
Donald J. Brightsmith, Elizabeth A. Hobson and Gustavo Martinez
A Bayesian multinomial logistic exposure model for estimating probabilities of competing sources of nest failure
Abigail J. Darrah, Jonathan B. Cohen and Paul M. Castelli
Increased behavioural responses to human disturbance in breeding Burrowing Owls Athene cunicularia
Edson Moroni, Amanda Zanesco Crivelaro, Tainara Luiza Soares and Rhainer Guillermo-Ferreira
Age-specific reproduction and disposable soma in an urban population of Common Blackbirds Turdus merula
Łukasz Jankowiak, Dawid Zyskowski and Dariusz Wysocki
Discriminating uniparental and biparental breeding strategies by monitoring nest temperature
Jérôme Moreau, Lucie Perroud, Loïc Bollache, Glenn Yannic, Maria Teixeira, Niels Martin Schmidt, Jeroen Reneerkens and Olivier Gilg
Image credits (from top)
Chestnut-banded Plover | Francesco Veronesi | CC-BY-SA-2.0 | Wikimedia Commons
Southern Caracara | Andreas Trepte | CC-BY-SA-4.0 | Wikimedia Commons
Bewick’s Swan | Maga-chan | CC-BY-SA-2.5 | Wikimedia Commons
Brown Dipper | Francesco Veronesi | CC-BY-SA-2.0 | Wikimedia Commons
Blue-and-Yellow Macaw | H Zell | CC-BY-SA-3.0 | Wikimedia Commons
Burrowing Owl | William H. Majoros | CC-BY-SA-3.0 | Wikimedia Commons