Write for the BOU Blog
Thank you for your interest in #theBOUblog – the blog to promote your ornithological research and research interests.
#theBOUblog receives over 50,000 page views a year so it really is THE place to be seen as well as contributing to your published research paper’s Altmetric Attention Score.
We accept blog posts about any aspect of ornithology – if its about birds and science we’ll consider hosting it. These can be on topics from papers published in any journal, not just IBIS.
We try to keep our blog posts in the same format, so please read these guidelines on how to prepare your blog piece for us and view an example blog post formatted just the way we like it 😉
As #theBOUblog has become increasingly popular we now publish a new blog post each week. During that week we will promote your blog post heavily on Twitter (via @IBIS_journal), Facebook (Facebook.com/ibisjournal) and Instagram (@IBIS_journal). If you want your blog to appear at a particular time, e.g. to coincide with publication of a paper or other event, then be sure to contact us early to see if we can accommodate your specific date.
Submit your blog post and images, or any enquiry, to Charlie Russell (BOU Blog Editor).
Blog posts have longevity, with blog posts frequently receiving hundreds of annual page views years after the blog published. Given this longevity, you are always welcome to update your blog post in years to come, maintaining its relevance and providing key updates.
More on blogging and #theBOUblog
See #theBOUblog Top 10 articles!
Further reading
Who’s reading science blogs?
An excellent poster-style summary of the Jarreau & Porter paper below.
Science in the Social Media Age: Profiles of Science Blog Readers.
Jarreau, P.B. & Porter, L. 2017. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. DOI 10.1177/1077699016685558
How social are ornithologists??
A paper and poster from the BOU’s Steve Dudley and RSPB Science’s Jen Smart includes a section on #theBOUblog.