The BOU supported 12 early career ornithologists’ attendance of #IOCongress2018 in Vancouver. Each have written an account of their experience of one of the world’s largest ornithological conferences. We’ll continue to add them as they are published here on #theBOUblog
Amanda Trask, UK @amandaetrask
Promoting and facilitating avian conservation VIEW
Geneviève Blanchet, US
Participating at IOCongress2018 was the culmination of my Masters thesis work VIEW
Virat Jolli, India @jollivirat
Giving wings to the wingless VIEW
Olivia Hicks, France @O_Hicks1
A great platform for the exchange and discussion of ideas VIEW
Guillermo Fandos, Germany @g_fandos
Networking and stepping out of your comfort zone VIEW
Robyn Womack, UK @RobynJWomack
I left IOCongress2018 feeling inspired having gained new perspectives VIEW
Chima J. Nwaogu , Nigeria @ChimaobimNwaogu
The BOU and the Early Career Researcher – a personal perspective from a developing country ECR member VIEW
Lucy Magoolagan, UK @lucymagoolagan
The ‘Ornamentation in Female Birds’ symposium was worth the registration fee alone VIEW
Corey T. Callaghan , Australia @callaghanct
Big parks mean more birds VIEW
Garima Gupta , UK @g_gupta2
A great platform for early career researchers! VIEW
Rob Hawkes , UK @Robert_W_Hawkes
An enjoyable and academically fulfilling experience VIEW
Igor Berkunsky , Argentina
“The best congress I have attended” VIEW
Blog posts express the views of the individual author(s) and not those of the BOU.
If you want to write about your research in #theBOUblog, then please see here.