IBIS – Best ECR paper of 2022
In 2022, IBIS published 59 papers whose first author or corresponding author was an early career researcher (ECR). Our Associate Editors have nominated their favourite ECR papers of 2022, and the top 11 papers were put to a public vote to select the best ECR paper in IBIS of 2022.
And the winner is….
Moult terminology: Let’s make it simpler!
Yosef Kiat
On being informed of the award, Yosef said “It is a great honour for me to receive the award for the best ECR paper for 2022, from the BOU. IBIS is a great platform for ornithological studies and I am proud to publish my papers in this journal. Thanks BOU team, a huge thanks to Leica for the prize, and of course to IBIS readers who liked my paper.”
We remain extremely grateful to Leica Camera (UK) for their continued support of this award.
The nominees were….
(ECR author in bold type)
High trophic niche overlap in mixed-species colonies using artificial nests
João Gameiro, Teresa Catry, Joana Marcelino, Aldina M.A. Franco, Jorge M. Palmeirim, Inês Catry
Short distance nocturnal migration in an island endemic bustard
Inmaculada Abril-Colón, Juan Carlos Alonso, Carlos Palacín, José Manuel Álvarez-Martínez, Alberto Ucero
Nest reliefs in a cryptically-incubating shorebird are quick, but vocal
Martin Bulla, Christina Muck, Daniela Tritscher, Bart Kempenaers
A comparison of foraging-range sizes, flight distances and foraging habitat preferences in urban and rural House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) populations
Jan Havlíček, Jan Riegert, Roman Fuchs
Using photographic records to quantify accuracy of bird identifications in citizen science data
Fabricio C. Gorleri, Emilio A. Jordan, Ignacio Roesler, Diego Monteleone, Juan I. Areta
Sympatry of genetically distinct Atlantic Puffins Fratercula arctica in the High Arctic
Deborah M. Leigh, Oliver Kersten, Bastiaan Star, Tycho Anker-Nilssen, Kurt Burnham, Jeff Johnson, Jennifer Provencher, Sanne Boessenkool
Moult terminology: Let’s make it simpler!
Yosef Kiat
Point count offsets for estimating population sizes of north American landbirds
Brandon P. M. Edwards, Adam C. Smith, Teegan D. S. Docherty, Marcel A. Gahbauer, Caitlyn R. Gillespie, Alexis R. Grinde, Taylor Harmer, David T. Iles, Steven M. Matsuoka, Nicole L. Michel, Andrew Murray, Gerald J. Niemi, Jon Pasher, David C. Pavlacky Jr, Barry G. Robinson, Thomas B. Ryder, Péter Sólymos, Diana Stralberg, Edmund J. Zlonis
Using empirical data analysis and expert opinion to identify farmland-associated bird species from their habitat associations
Da-Li Lin, Martine Maron, Tatsuya Amano, An-Yu Chang, Richard A. Fuller
Nest survival of threatened Eurasian Curlew (Numenius arquata) breeding at low densities across a human-modified landscape
Harry Ewing, Samantha Franks, Jennifer Smart, Niall Burton, Jennifer A. Gill
Vocal traits of shorebird chicks are related to body mass and sex
Kristal N. Kostoglou, Edward H. Miller, Michael A. Weston, David R. Wilson