In the footsteps of John Warham
The second BOU John & Pat Warham Studentship
The second BOU John & Pat Warham Studentship
Which species are most popular and where do they come from?
EOU2019 was a great opportunity to present my study and obtain feedback - an essential step at the end of my PhD
AOC2019 was a great opportunity to discuss biogeography of Southern Hemisphere birds and to find out about the amazing research happening in Australia
Molecular analyses inform conservation of this migratory songbird.
Birds take advantage of man-made tapping of palm trees
Both the Migrant Landbird Study Group and EOU2019 meeting were brilliant and rewarding
Attending EOU2019 was a great opportunity to promote my work and networking with the most relevant European ornithologists
Colonization of new areas leads to reduced song complexity
Intensified agriculture contributes to population decline in France