Jon currently works as Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Ornithology at Aranzadi Sciences Society in the Basque Country, Spain. After finishing the degree in Biology at the University of León, he moved back to Basque Country, where he carried out an MSc in Biodiversity, Functioning and Management of Ecosystems. Shortly after, he enrolled in the PhD programme of the same name. Among his research interests are the links between ecosystem processes, the effect of human activities and the conservation of endangered species in anthropogenic landscapes. In particular, Jon does research in the ecology and conservation of raptors, focusing on vultures. He uses movement ecology and long-term monitoring data to disentangle how human activities affect space use, breeding performance and energetics of migratory species such as the Egyptian Vulture. For the last five years, he has participated in long-term monitoring projects of raptors in Biscay (Basque Country) and Cáceres (Extremadura). His research is funded by the Basque Government.
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