Category E species
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Category E comprises those species that have been recorded as introductions, human-assisted transportees or escapees from captivity, whose breeding populations (if any) are thought not to be self-sustaining. Species in Category E that have bred in the wild in Britain are designated as E*.
Species listed in Category E form no part of the British List, unless they are also included in Categories A, B or C.
Descriptions and definitions of Categories of the British List can be found at BOU (2017) Ibis 160: 190-240.
Category E has been compiled largely from county/regional bird reports and other published listings, and is not exhaustive. BOURC is unable to confirm the correct identification of species in Category E, or the circumstances in which they were recorded. Doubtful cases have been excluded, pending enquiries, along with species not recorded since 1 January 1950.
The BOU is responsible for maintaining the British List. Part of this responsibility is to monitor the occurrence of non-native species which may qualify for addition to Category C of the British List. To undertake this we require published information from which to work and which we can quote as reference.
The BOU encourages observers to report records of non-native species to the relevant local bird recorder. Local recorders and those producing local, county or regional publications are encouraged to publish these records, and to make them available to the Rare Breeding Birds Panel (RBBP) who publish annual reports of non-native species breeding in Britain in British Birds.
The taxonomic order of Category E follows the IOC World Bird List version 8.2 (Gill & Donsker 2018) with, for internal consistency, the IOC names used.