Vocal differences in Acorn Woodpeckers
Structure and divergence of vocal traits in the Acorn Woodpecker
Structure and divergence of vocal traits in the Acorn Woodpecker
Community science data from cities on multiple continents reveal size and ecological traits that correspond to urban abundance
Detecting and controlling individual biases is essential in all kinds of databases
Citizen science data reveals a decline in the quality of soundscapes across two continents.
When it comes to road counts, slower is better.
Identification errors affect predictions of migratory timing in hard-to-identify flycatchers
Could improving breeding ground conditions help prevent further declines in African-Eurasian migrant bird species?
How citizen science enlightens ornithological weather radar research
Can citizen science data provide evidence that Common Potoos migrate?
If you have ever wanted to visit an Indian Ocean seabird colony, here is a chance to do so – albeit remotely.