Shooting for fun
The Threat of Illegal Hunting to Raptors Migrating through Batumi
The Threat of Illegal Hunting to Raptors Migrating through Batumi
How they can aid ornithologists around the world
Can we explain increasing residency in Swiss Red Kites by examining reproduction?
Two billion termites in two weeks
How were Greater Spotted Eagles affected by the conflict in Ukraine?
While this might well describe some hedonistic lifestyle of a 1970s rock star, it is also a neat summary of the life history strategy for Short-eared Owls.
LINKED THESIS Following in the Footsteps of John Warham: [...]
Long-term monitoring indicates mixed results
The Egyptian Vulture population in Eastern Europe was in freefall - conservationists have now shown that even such globetrotting species can be rescued
Migratory birds mitigate solar heating by ascending to higher altitudes