Vultures and condors may help to prevent the spread of infectious diseases
While pathogen microorganisms colonise obligate scavenger birds, there is no clear evidence of them spreading pathogens to the ecosystem
While pathogen microorganisms colonise obligate scavenger birds, there is no clear evidence of them spreading pathogens to the ecosystem
Adding nesting-sites for Lesser Kestrels influences interactions with other bird species.
Juvenile Red-footed Boobies gather close to the colony to practice their foraging skills.
How does Cinnamon Teal incubation behavior vary with environmental conditions?
Rufous-capped Warblers adjust their songs to the social context.
Who do some birds remove eggs from their nest?
Can Darwin’s finches adapt to invasive predators and urbanization?
Experimental study finds sexual segregation in time and space.
How do urban gulls utilize their environment?
Why some Herring Gulls stay where they are, while others move around