About IBIS
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IBIS publishes original papers, reviews, short communications and Forum articles reflecting the forefront of international research activity in ornithological science, with special emphasis on the behaviour, ecology, evolution and conservation of birds.
IBIS aims to publish as rapidly as is consistent with the requirements of peer-review and normal publishing constraints.
We are ranked #5 in ornithology journals and we have the highest altmetric score of any ornithological journal.
2022 ISI Journal Citation Reports© Ranking (issued June 2023)
2-year Impact Factor 2.1 x 5/29 Ornithology
Jennifer Gill (Editor in Chief)
Rauri Bowie
Richard Fuller
Rebecca Kimball
Ruedi Nager
Jeremy Wilson
Journal Manager
Angela Langford
Published by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the BOU.
IBIS – working for you and our community
IBIS publishes original papers, reviews, short communications and Forum articles reflecting the forefront of international research activity in ornithological science, with special emphasis on the behaviour, ecology, evolution and conservation of birds.
- No page charges
- Rapid publication after acceptance
- Skilled, expert and engaged editors
- Our Editorial Panel of over 50 researchers all around the world
- Sympathetic editors when English is not your first language
- Authors receive our 5* promotion of their paper
- Social media drives the Altmetric score of ornithology articles
- Authors have priority access to #theBOUblog
- Blogs can coincide with publication of your paper and contribute to your papers Altmetric score
- IBIS Gold Standard and H2020 compliant for Creative Commons Licence
- You can make any previously published IBIS paper Open Access retrospectively
- Online version features the ‘anywhere’ enhanced format for better viewing on devices especially mobile touch-screens
- 160 years of IBIS online View
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