Does urban breeding influence gull foraging?
Urban and coastal breeding Lesser Black-backed Gulls segregate by foraging habitat
Urban and coastal breeding Lesser Black-backed Gulls segregate by foraging habitat
Do fatty acid profiles vary accordingly in migratory passerines?
Field observations by embarked ornithologists suggest new approaches in the study of migration
Merlins feed on migratory songbirds to fuel their long-distance migration.
Migration routes of the two Eastern Buzzard subspecies are separated along the Sea of Japan
Geolocation reveals that European Storm Petrels from the western Mediterranean migrate to the Atlantic Ocean
Human activities determine the daily schedule of overwintering birds in Spain.
Tropical seabirds show high consistency of migratory behaviours despite often weak seasonal predictability of resources
Short-distance nocturnal migration in an island endemic bustard
What is the best method to quantify the frequency of nest-switching?