Historical Black-fronted Tern population expansion and recent decline
Multilocus genetic data reveal population expansion of an open-habitat specialist during the last glacial period
Multilocus genetic data reveal population expansion of an open-habitat specialist during the last glacial period
Predictable intra-annual variation but unexpected anthropogenic habitat response in Ferruginous Hawk movement behaviour
Ectoparasitism in Hispaniolan Woodpeckers is influenced by life-stage and sex
Contrasting patterns of divergence among island and mainland birds of the Eastern Mediterranean.
Seasonality in bird community functional structure in the Neotropics
Trade-offs between reproduction and self-maintenance in Blue Tits
Characterisation of movement behaviour using GPS tracking data and hidden Markov models
Infection status is linked to song rate in Rufous-naped Wrens
Stone morphometry has an impact on courtship behaviour
Evidence of spectral and temporal call flexibility in House Finches