Coordination breeds success
Quick but vocal nest relief rituals in cryptically incubating Semipalmated Sandpipers
Quick but vocal nest relief rituals in cryptically incubating Semipalmated Sandpipers
Foraging niche segregation between critically endangered and abundant diving petrels in Aotearoa
Food supplementation prolongs the nestling period in Pied Flycatchers
Multilocus genetic data reveal population expansion of an open-habitat specialist during the last glacial period
Predictable intra-annual variation but unexpected anthropogenic habitat response in Ferruginous Hawk movement behaviour
Ectoparasitism in Hispaniolan Woodpeckers is influenced by life-stage and sex
Contrasting patterns of divergence among island and mainland birds of the Eastern Mediterranean.
Seasonality in bird community functional structure in the Neotropics
Trade-offs between reproduction and self-maintenance in Blue Tits
Characterisation of movement behaviour using GPS tracking data and hidden Markov models