Open-source intelligence for ornithological research
Citizen science can advance our understanding of raptor diets across large spatial, temporal and demographic scales
Citizen science can advance our understanding of raptor diets across large spatial, temporal and demographic scales
Which flight characteristics predict entry into rotor-swept zones?
Understanding lead effects on the American national bird
Vultures’ social interactions across different situations matter for their population structure
Attracted by agroecosystems: Benefits of and threats to resident and migratory American Kestrels in Baja California peninsula
Using iEcology to explore intersexual, seasonal changes in raptor diet
GPS-tagging confirms theory, but questions remain unanswered
Researchers find genetic differences in a distinctive subspecies of a common raptor
No support for decreased reproduction with a population increase in the White-tailed Eagle
Modelling Bearded Vulture distributions under various climate scenarios