Strength in colours?
Partial support for a structural function for eggshell pigments in unspotted eggs of a calcium-limited bird
Partial support for a structural function for eggshell pigments in unspotted eggs of a calcium-limited bird
Yellow-legged Gulls in the Bay of Biscay may have low dependence on offshore fishing discards
European Stonechat white wing patch is a dynamic but consistent trait
The relationship between eagle flight characteristics and rotor-swept zone entry varies per wind turbine
The anticoagulant sodium heparin may impact results of stable isotopic analyses
Decreased eggshell thickness at high ambient temperatures in Zebra Finches
Genetic analyses do not support multi-season sexual monogamy in American Black Swifts
Quick but vocal nest relief rituals in cryptically incubating Semipalmated Sandpipers
Foraging niche segregation between critically endangered and abundant diving petrels in Aotearoa
Food supplementation prolongs the nestling period in Pied Flycatchers