Do shrub-steppe passerines share food?
Using DNA metabarcoding to describe diet and niche overlap in a steppe passerine assemblage
Using DNA metabarcoding to describe diet and niche overlap in a steppe passerine assemblage
Characteristics of habitats occupied by hosts influences survival of unwanted brood parasite youngsters
Genetic differentiation in volcanic islands branching off from the mainland
Mate replacement versus mate retention in the Thorn-tailed Rayadito
Flight heights of Sandwich Terns higher than previous estimates
Birds and bats regulate pest populations in African cocoa farms
No support for decreased reproduction with a population increase in the White-tailed Eagle
Rare observations of nest-reuse in an open-cup nesting European passerine
Foraging behaviours of Eurasian Oystercatchers in the Exe Estuary, Devon
Exotic mammals threaten Araucaria Forests by displacing Austral Parakeets