Giulia Masoero, University of Turku, Finland @giumasoero
EOU2019: “What a great scientific and social event!”
Alex Nicol-Harper, University of Southampton, UK @alexnicolharper
“EOU2019 was the place to be and be seen for early career ornithologists”
I. Kaan Ozgencil, Universiteler Mah, Turkey @bio_kaan
“Both the Migrant Landbird Study Group and EOU2019 meeting were brilliant and rewarding”
Johanne Martens, Deakin University, Australia @johanne_martens
“EOU2019 was a fantastic opportunity to present my PhD research”
Claudia Tapia Harris , Centre for Biological Diversity, University of St Andrews, UK @ClaudiaTapiah
EOU2019: “Very well organised and surpassed all my expectations”
Amparo Herrera-Dueñas, University of Groningen, the Netherlands @AmpiHD
“Attending EOU2019 was a great opportunity to promote my work and networking with the most relevant European ornithologists”
Lara Moreno-Zárate , Institute for Game and Wildlife Research, Spain
“EOU2019 really helped me to increase my motivation, renew and consider others´ ideas and approaches about my research”
Javier Pineda-Pampliega , Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
“Attending EOU2019 was a great opportunity for me to present my study and obtain feedback. An essential step at the end of my PhD.”
Jane Younger , University of Bath, UK
“AOC2019 was a great opportunity to discuss biogeography of Southern Hemisphere birds and to find out about the amazing research happening in Australia.”