Last week was the BOU’s annual conference at the Stamford Conference Centre at the University of Leicester. The conference theme this year was ‘Avian Demography’. Here’s some photos from the conference.

Conference hall
32 speakers presented their work at the conference including a BOU first, a live webcast from Conor McGowan in the US! Also, at the end of the conference the organisers choose the ‘best student presentation’ and with from a very strong field, Pip Gullett (University of Sheffield) was declared the winner with her presentation on ‘climate change and survival in Long-tailed Tits’.

Talk abstracts


Fuller Medal
The BTO’s Rob Fuller being presented with the BOU’s Godman Salvin Prize for his distinguished ornithological work, by BOU President Jenny Gill. See more


Bucknell medal
Former BOU Honorary Secretary Neil Bucknell being presented with the BOU’s Union for his oustanding contribution to the Union, by BOU President Jenny Gill. See more


Each year we have a range of posters and encourage students working on the conference theme (or if we have room on wider ornithology) to present their work. At the end of the conference the organisers choose the ‘best student poster’ – spot the best poster below!

Poster abstracts


Vernouillet Alizée Vernouillet (Université de Moncton, Canada)
Poster title: Selection harvesting may incur a long-term cost on adults in a migratory bird: a 7-year experiment


Ryan poster Lucy Ryan (University of Liverpool)
Poster title: Factors affecting survival of overwintering Dunlin Calidris alpina in North Wales – linking weather conditions to survival


Hong poster Chung-Hang Hong (National Taiwan University)
Poster title: Application of automatic visual surveillance system in seabird conservation


Horswill Catharine Horswill (British Antarctic Survey) – best student poster
Poster title: The survival of macaroni penguins revealed using an automated gateway system


Kentie poster Rosemarie Kentie (University of Groningen, the Netherlands)
Poster title: Influence of agricultural management on demographic parameters of Black-tailed Godwit chicks and adults in the Netherlands


Mallord poster John Mallord (RSPB) proving that you don’t have to be a student to get your poster accepted
Poster title: Variation in nest mortality rates in populations of Wood Warblers Phylloscopus sibilatrix with different population trends


Froy poster Hannah Froy (University of Edinburgh)
Poster title: Terminal improvement following senescence: Age-related variation in reproductive traits in the Wandering Albatross


Granroth-Wilding poster Hanna Granroth-Wilding (University of Edinburgh)
Poster title: Endoparasites of nestling shags affect siblings unequally


ECR workshop
The early-career workshop, this year on journal publishing, was the latest in our series of development events aimed at students and post-docs.