Here is a series of blog posts explaining more about what we do and why we do it. Some are by BOU staff and committee members, whilst several are from members explaining what the BOU means to them and how they have benefited from their membership.

community_featuredThe BOU’s global ornithology community
Steve Dudley | BOU Senior Administrator

Auriel_Fournier_PresentingThe BOU – a personal perspective from the US
Auriel Fournier | BOU ECR member; IBIS Associate Editor

BOU2017 Norris lecture sqWhat makes a BOU conference?
Darren Evans | Chair, BOU Meetings Committee

Poster ViratThe BOU – from the eyes of an Indian ornithologist
Virat Jolli | BOU member

Ibis cover 2 2014 12 11What does it take to run the #1 ornithology journal?
Jen Smart | Chair, IBIS Management Committee

Blog DIY icon 500Of writing and Redshanks – the benefit of blogging with the BOU
Elwyn Sharps | BOU ECR member

scopsowl-spdFunding ornithology – the work of the BOU Grants Committee
Phil Atkinson | Chair, Grants Committee

finch ecrs at conference featuredWorking for our ornithology community
Steve Dudley | BOU Senior Administrator

Harrop - SibeAccentorListing for the future
Andrew Harrop | Chair, Records Committee

BOU2017 crowded foyer for blogBOU – we’re better when we’re together
Steve Dudley | BOU Senior Administrator

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