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IBIS continuously publishes research articles online as:
- Accepted articles (peer-reviewed awaiting final edit and layout, DOI assigned);
- Early view articles (first sight of fully edited publication); and
- Within issue articles (article assigned to an issue with page numbers).
Accepted articles
No evidence for a negative effect of conspecific brood parasitism on annual survival of female Prothonotary Warblers
Anna M. Tucker and Lesley P. Bulluck
Meteorological and environmental variables affect flight behaviour and decision-making of an obligate soaring bird, the California Condor Gymnogyps californianus
Sharon A. Poessel, Joseph Brandt, Tricia A. Miller and Todd E. Katzner
Variation in melanin pigmentation of a sexually selected plumage trait and its adaptive value in the Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago
Piotr Minias, Adrian Surmacki, Karolina Kudelska, Patrycja Podlaszczuk, Maciej Kamiński, Krzysztof Kaczmarek, Radosław Włodarczyk and Tomasz Janiszewski
Testing the use of infra-red video cameras to census a nocturnal burrow-nesting seabird, the European Storm Petrel Hydrobates pelagicus
Allan J. Perkins, Chris J. Bingham and Mark Bolton
Seeing sunlit owls in a new light: orienting Snowy Owls may not be displaying
Karen L. Wiebe and Alexander M. Chang
Male feeding contribution facilitates multiple brooding in a biparental songbird
Daisuke Nomi, Teru Yuta and Itsuro Koizumi
Temporal variation in constitutive and inducible heat shock proteins in the Zebra Finch
John W. Finger Jr, Alexander J. Hoffman and Haruka Wada
Early view articles
Tracking day and night provides insights into the relative importance of different wader chick predators
Lucy R. Mason, Jennifer Smart and Allan L. Drewitt
A rare mineral, vaterite, acts as a shock absorber in the eggshell of a communally nesting bird
Steven J. Portugal, James Bowen and Christina Riehl C. Rees
Energetic solutions of Rock Sandpipers to harsh winter conditions rely on prey quality
Daniel R. Ruthrauff, Anne Dekinga, Robert E. Gill Jr and Theunis Piersma
Apparent survival of an Arctic-breeding migratory bird over 44 years of fluctuating population size
Kevin A. Wood, Rascha J.M. Nuijten, Julia L. Newth, Trinus Haitjema, Didier Vangeluwe, Panagiotis Ioannidis, Anne L. Harrison, Conor Mackenzie, Geoff M. Hilton, Bart A. Nolet and Eileen C. Rees
Discriminating uniparental and biparental breeding strategies by monitoring nest temperature
Jérôme Moreau, Lucie Perroud, Loïc Bollache, Glenn Yannic, Maria Teixeira, Niels Martin Schmidt, Jeroen Reneerkens and Olivier Gilg
Under-representation of avian studies in landscape genetics
Christopher P. Kozakiewicz, Scott Carver and Christopher P. Burridge
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Visual configuration of two species of Falconidae with different foraging ecologies
Simon Potier, Francesco Bonadonna, Graham R. Martin, Pierre-François Isard, Thomas Dulaurent, Marielle Mentek and Olivier Duriez
Image credits (from top)
Prothonotary Warbler | William H. Majoros | CC-BY-SA-3.0 | Wikimedia Commons
Common Snipe | Edd Deane | CC-BY-SA-2.0 | Wikimedia Commons
Snowy Owl | David Syzdek | CC-BY-SA-2.0 | Wikimedia Commons
Lapwing chick | Frebeck | CC-BY-SA-3.0 | Wikimedia Commons
Rock Sandpipers | CC0 via
Sanderling | Peter Wallack | CC-BY-SA-3.0 | Wikimedia Commons