Altmetric measure the online attention of published research articles which provides each article with an Altmetric Attention Score (AAS). Each week we receive an email from Altmetric informing us of the five most-discussed ornithology articles of the last week. IBIS usually does well thanks to our own promotion of our published papers, but also thanks to authors and readers discussing them on social media and writing blogs about them.

This weeks most-discussed IBIS articles are:

The most-discussed ornithology article of the last week:
Towards redressing inaccurate, offensive and inappropriate common bird names
Robert J. Driver, Alexander L. Bond
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Mentioned 228 times since publication on 16 July 2021.

The second most-discussed ornithology article of the last week:
Four-legged foes: dogs disturb nesting plovers more than people do on tourist beaches
Miguel Ángel Gómez-Serrano
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With an Altmetric Attention Score of 2,567 this article is the highest scoring ornithology article of all time (published 2 September 2020).

The fourth most-discussed ornithology article of the last week:
Null effects of the Garcelon harnessing method and transmitter type on soaring raptors
Víctor García, Juan José Iglesias-Lebrija, Rubén Moreno-Opo
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16 online mentions in the last week (published 8 February 2021)

The fifth most-discussed ornithology article of the last week:
A new, undescribed species of Melanocharis berrypecker from western New Guinea and the evolutionary history of the family Melanocharitidae
Borja Milá, Jade Bruxaux, Guillermo Friis, Katerina Sam, Hidayat Ashari, Christophe Thébaud
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14 online mentions in the last week (published 11 June 2021)

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