Twitter is ideal for building communities, promoting events and projects and engaging with others. But many Twitterati still don’t fully understand how to get the full benefits from this popular social medium.
Replying to and commenting on tweets
Your two options are:
- to comment/reply select the speech bubble icon below the original tweet and add your comment/reply. This will appear below the original tweet for all users to see.
- ‘quote tweet’ is another way of adding a comment/reply whilst amplifying the original tweet. Select the retweet icon and then ‘quote tweet’. This is seen by your followers and anyone viewing your timeline.
Next time . . .
. . . retweets, quotes and mentions.
Further reading
Twitter – a great glossary of dozens of different Twitter terms View
More social media blogs and content from the BOU
Twitter #masterclass 1 – #hashtags and retweets
Twitter #masterclass 2 – stop using auto-generated tweets
Twitter #masterclass 3 – editing and structuring your tweets
Twitter #masterclass 4 – organise your incoming tweets
Twitter #masterclass 5 – content is everything
Twitter #masterclass 6 – #hashtag best practice
Twitter #masterclass 7 – using images – best practice
Twitter #masterclass 8 – conference tweeting (for delegates, presenters and organisers)
Twitter #masterclass 9 – Twitter basics 1: terminology
Presentations from the BOU’s ‘social media in ornithology’ workshop at #EOU2015
Making social media and the web work for you
Social media is relevant to your research
The benefits of blogging about your research
What is Altmetric?
What do you mean you ‘don’t know how to optimize your paper for SEO?!
Twitter – building an online ornithological community
The global ornithological online community
Ornithological Twitterati, Tweetie-pies and #birdieluv
Blog with #theBOUblog
If you want to write about your research in #theBOUblog, then please see here.