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Recent posts:
EU Common Agricultural Policy Reform
Christina Ieronymidou2021-12-08T19:53:33+00:0020 Jun 2013|Conservation, Farmland birds|
45% of Europe's landmass is given over to agriculture which places a huge pressure on biodiversity of the continent
Yellowhammer dialects
Pavel Pipek2021-12-10T12:17:28+00:0029 May 2013|Science|
Regional dialects have been discovered among many bird species including Yellowhammer.
Marine renewables and birds
Niall Burton2021-12-10T12:23:58+00:0017 Apr 2013|Bird Protection, Conferences, Science, Seabirds|
Marine renewables and birds - how far have we come and where next for research?
BOU Avian Demography conference
Steve Dudley (he/him)2021-12-10T12:27:46+00:005 Apr 2013|Community, Conferences, News, People, Science|
Last week was the BOU's annual conference at the Stamford Conference Centre at the University of Leicester. The conference theme this year was 'Avian Demography'. Here's some photos from the conference.
Rob Fuller presented with the Godman Salvin Prize
Steve Dudley (he/him)2021-12-10T12:31:01+00:0027 Mar 2013|Community, Conferences, News, People|
The BTO's Rob Fuller is presented with the BOU's Godman Salvin Prize for distinguished ornithological work.
Neil Bucknell presented with the Union Medal
Steve Dudley (he/him)2021-12-10T12:33:53+00:0027 Mar 2013|Community, Conferences, People|
Neil Bucknell is awarded the BOU's Union Medal for his outstanding contribution to the BOU and ornithology.
Lost and found – the storm-petrel back from extinction
Stuart Butchart2021-12-10T12:36:39+00:0028 Feb 2013|Bird Protection, Conservation, News, Seabirds|
'Extinct' New Zealand Storm-petrel found breeding 150 years after last being seen
Dynamic Soaring
Colin Taylor2021-12-10T12:40:28+00:0014 Jan 2013|Science, Seabirds|
A pilot's perspective on the aspect of flight adopted by seabirds such as albatrosses and petrels.
How useful are species?
Gavin Siriwardena2021-12-10T12:44:05+00:0011 Dec 2012|Conservation, Science, Taxonomy|
That biodiversity is valuable and worth conserving is something about which most people with an interest in the environment can agree. But what is 'biodiversity-?
Bewick’s Swans reveal where they get disturbed
Abel Gyimesi2021-12-10T12:48:17+00:0013 Nov 2012|Disturbance, Science|
Study shows where Bewick's Swans are disturbed on their winter feeding grounds
BTO Marsh Award for Ornithology
Steve Dudley (he/him)2021-12-10T12:53:26+00:001 Nov 2012|Community, News, People|
Jeremy Wilson, a member of the BOU's Ibis editorial team, has been awarded the BTO's Marsh Award for Ornithology for 2012
Open access publishing and the Finch report: implications for society journals
Jenny Gill2021-12-10T12:57:52+00:0015 Oct 2012|Community, News, Science|
What are the implications of Open Access on small society journals?