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Recent posts:
Bad blood?
Ashleigh Marshall (she/her)2024-10-31T03:40:10+00:0031 Oct 2024|anticoagulant, Bayesian modelling, blood sampling, carbon, diet, isotopes, Larids, nitrogen, plasma, stable isotopes, sulphur|
The anticoagulant sodium heparin may impact results of stable isotopic analyses
Big advantages at low elevations for resident Red Kites
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Can we explain increasing residency in Swiss Red Kites by examining reproduction?
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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in environmental charities
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Lessons learned on making meaningful change
Birdsong and your wellbeing – what’s the deal?
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Feeling the heat?
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Decreased eggshell thickness at high ambient temperatures in Zebra Finches
Open-source intelligence for ornithological research
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Citizen science can advance our understanding of raptor diets across large spatial, temporal and demographic scales
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India’s vultures are in trouble. The—by now well-known—story is that [...]
Moving swiftly on…
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The End of Cory’s Shearwater
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Cryptic species and changing taxonomical classifications